Certificate of Completion

This is to certify that DC Restoration has completed the repair(s) at the property address above to my satisfaction.

In the ratings section below, DC Restoration considers anything below a 9 to be failing. If we fall below a 9 in any area, please comment below so that we can make internal corrections.

Strongly Disagree = 1     Disagree = 5     Strongly Agree = 10

1. How well did we do in keeping timelines for scheduled appointments?

Strongly Disagree = 1     Disagree = 5     Strongly Agree = 10

2. How satisfied were you with the timeliness of completing the work?

Strongly Disagree = 1     Disagree = 5     Strongly Agree = 10

3. How satisfied were you with the professionalism of the work crew?

Strongly Disagree = 1     Disagree = 5     Strongly Agree = 10

4. How satisfied were you with the quality of work?

Strongly Disagree = 1     Disagree = 5     Strongly Agree = 10

5. How satisfied were you with the overall customer service?

Strongly Disagree = 1     Disagree = 5     Strongly Agree = 10

6. How likely are you to use DC Restoration again, in the event you had another claim?

Strongly Disagree = 1     Disagree = 5     Strongly Agree = 10

7. How likely are you to recommend DC Restoration to a friend of family?

Strongly Disagree = 1     Disagree = 5     Strongly Agree = 10

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